Toronto, 2022
This was a project concept developed by Proof Housing through 2021. We were looking to develop Toronto's avenues in a way that would allow incremental intensification, as opposed to the long, pyramid shaped mid-rise buildings that we saw wiping away some of Toronto's most vibrant streetscapes. We worked hard to develop a building design that could intervene on single sites across Toronto's avenues, and start to bring a different form of densification while remaining market competitive and compliant to all fire, building, and zoning regulations.
The following is our pre-application with the City of Toronto, for which we received high praise, using the design of a single building on a single site as a means to talk about much broader urban issues.
An adaptive building designed to solve the issues of Toronto's missing middle within a single site on a typical avenue.
Project Summary
Location & Year

An Approach for Single Site Re-development on Toronto's Avenues
Team + Collaborators
Private Client
Proof Housing (Su Bhatti, Kyle Brill, Jack Lipson)